Friday, May 29, 2009


Two weekends ago, Bec and I did the Great Urban Race in SF.  I haven't had a moment to blog about it, but there's not much of a story.  Basically, it's a scavenger hunt around the city.  You have clues that you have to decipher, go to the place indicated, and either take a picture or get something.  

It was fun to do this race, but spending 5 hours out in the heat (it was above 80 at least), pounding the concrete, is not my favorite thing.  We had fun, but by the end, I was spent, and I wouldn't call the race fun.  It's just not fun (for me) when you have no idea what you're supposed to be doing and no idea where you are in the race because you can do the clues in any order.  The last thing we had to do was 10 pushups and throwing a medicine ball and jumping rope.  I'm sure the look on my face when we were told this was priceless.  I had no interest in doing anything of the sort after 4+ hours running around the city.  I might have enjoyed it more if I did this in Boston, a city I know and love much more than SF.

Here we are indicating the answer to a math problem.  We were told to wear matching outfits, so I brought the pink running skirt for Bec.  We didn't win the race...we didn't even get all the clues right, but we did look pretty cute.

Yummy corn!  We had to eat it clean.

Take a picture of both teammates shaking a dog's paw.  This dog had already had three teams ask for his help on this one.

We are done.  And we were so sore the next day.

1 comment:

Bec said...

They should have made a clue about from how many blocks away can you smell the pee-soaked crack heads in the SOMA. Eww... I'm sorry I even wrote that - the mere thought of the smell is making me nauseated.