Friday, June 19, 2009

Thursday Appreciations

Here's the mix I gave to my mentees for graduation. There are a few songs on here that I believe are on my upcoming June mix, but I like this one because it's a blend of songs I thought about when trying to say goodbye to them with songs they like and suggested.

When it went to my students, the mix was called "Thursday Appreciations" because that was the one constant for us for the last two years. Every Thursday, we all stopped to appreciate something or many things. On my last day with my mentees, our final appreciations brought me to tears. For the first time, I was appreciated by some of my mentees (and it was the boys you'd never expect), and they decided that we're going to have a group on Facebook for Thursday appreciations. That's when the sobbing really happened. Then, my mentee who is going into the Marines asked for my address so he can send me apprecations. Oh man!

Anyway, this mix sums up my group--their love of "Scrubs," being cheezy, all things bizarre, songs that I associate with frat parties...and my desire to shove Bob Dylan down their throats.

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