Saturday, June 13, 2009

Student Art

Throughout this year, photos like the one above have been appearing around the school. Mysteriously. We'll come in, and there'll be something like this on one of the office windows. They are like this one-- a play on the teacher's name or subject area with some way of incorporating their picture into the photo. Our principal, who used to teach physics has one that says "What's Your Favorite Principal of Physics?" I like mine for many being that my 4th grade teacher used to call me MilkDuds, as did a few students at FHS. And now, I have the MDuds license plate on the wagon. Although, the irony of this photo is that it's of me on my phone (I was talking to you Ali right before my visit in March). For those of you that call me, you know that I NEVER have my phone on and I pretty much never use my phone. This is a rare sight.

While I can totally imagine creating something like this when I was in high school (if we had the technology), I can't imagine is actually putting them up for the teachers and all students to see.

I had a hunch about who was doing it, aided by the initals at the bottom (which were not on early works), and we found out on the last day of school that it was a brother and sister team (along with some brainstorming help from their parents). What fun they must have had!

1 comment:

Bec said...

LOL... this picture is the BEST. Not the best. THE BEST.