Sunday, June 28, 2009

So You Think You Can Dance?

Say what you will about MJ the man, but he was probably the best performer of my lifetime. He had a great voice, catchy songs...and man, could he dance.

All around the world, flash mobs got together on Thursday to dance in the streets. I could watch these videos for hours. Of course, I am envious of the people who were there...I would have been dancing in a heartbeat (although no where near to the level of these guys). I am hopeful that Mr. Jackson is in a better place and his death will never take away his ability to inspire people to dance. For hours.

Today, I paid tribute...I played about two hours of MJ at work. It was awesome to see the number of people discreetly bopping their shoulders or tapping their feet as they shopped around.

This video is my favorite because of the people rolling up on their bikes and just putting them aside to get down to the business of boogieing. Enjoy!

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