Sunday, June 28, 2009

Float Ideas

While my favorite float is a Dr. Pepper one, I need some ideas.

I have the opportunity to be in a bike parade on the 4th of July. I'm thinking that I need to ride my Xtracycle and make it as cool as possible. If you have any great ideas about dressing it up in a witty way, I'd love them. I'm trying to brainstorm something political/patriotic that would require an Xtracycle's help to carry around. Or maybe a play on words. Subtlety is totally acceptable. Or maybe, I'll just tote around lots of root beer.

If all else fails, I'll harken back to my days at Hastings. Every year we had Purple Day and in 4th grade you got to decorate your bike and ride it in the "parade" at school (underclassmen were forced to walk). I had a purple bike with triathlon like covered wheels (disc wheels?). I totally decked the bike out in lots of purple streamers - wrapped around every tube and coming off the handle bars. I could do that again in a heart beat (having a 3rd of July birthday has meant lots of experience with red, white, and blue decor).

Wait...were we having a gay pride parade?

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