Tuesday, December 30, 2008

What A Funny Guy

David Sedaris cracks me up.  His latest book, When You are Engulfed In Flames, is just like his others.  He tells stories that are bizarre and funny, and could have happened to you if you were someone like Sedaris.  His books are also great for picking up and down, in case you tend to get in the middle of a book without finishing it more than you'd like.

On page 223 of the hardcover edition came one of my favorites: "The only funny announcement I've ever heard was made by a male flight attendant, a queen, who grabbed the microphone as we were taxiing down the runway in San Francisco.  'Those of you standing in the aisles should have an excellent view of the Fasten Seat Belt sign,' he said."  I would have loved to hear that one.  On my recent flight to Boston via Miami, most of the back of the plane was out of their seat and opening the bins as soon as we touched down.  It took two reprimands over the PA and then an in-person talking-to from the flight attendant to get them back in their seats.  It's hard to figure if they are very new to flying, very seasoned flyers, or do not understand English.  I don't have an answer there.

My other favorite was a quick story starting on p316 about DS being proud of beating obese disabled women and 9-year olds doing laps in the pool.  This is in case you're in the bookstore or airport and can only read a bit.  316.  Like 100pi, but just a bit more, so it's easy to remember.

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