Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Local Day #1

Ah the joys of California.

Today, among the things I will eat will be...plain yogurt from Brown Cow in Antioch, CA with strawberries and pluots from the farmer's market, more pluots throughout the day, and homemade yellow squash and tomato soup with local cream and brioche baked in SF.  I will admit that I did make some lemon cheesecake bars (with non-local cream cheese and sugar and ginger snaps...but everything else local) because the lemons are just falling off my tree and I feel guilty that I don't use them very much.  I'll bring those into school tomorrow for our faculty meeting.

I'm thinking that I might need to make apple pie or crisp this weekend to celebrate the Jewish New Year (local ingredients for that will be tough to come by...flour does exist but I'd have to drive up to Yolo County which is more than an hour away).  I went to temple on Monday night for Rosh Hashana, which made me both very sad (thinking about the year that I've just had) and very hopeful (thinking about the next one).  I forgot how much I just really like going to temple.  I love doing the prayers, singing the songs, practicing the Hebrew, and listening to the sermons (the rabbi on Monday told us that we should work not on being perfect but being present...I like this).  It's interesting because I don't consider myself a fervently religious person, but I just like the traditions that I grew up with.  Why haven't I been going to temple out here?  For one, I'm in total withdrawal from being away from Temple Israel in Boston and two, I'm just so darn tired on Friday evening.  But, my Jewish New Year's resolution is to go at least once a month. I'm going to try a local temple that many have recommended and if that doesn't work, I will go to Stanford Hillel.  The dates are already on the calendar: Oct 24, Nov 14, and December 5 or 12 depending on our school dance.  So, hold me to it!

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