Friday, October 17, 2008

Weekly Shout Outs!

1) Sox! I went to bed (not unusual for me) and didn't know until my sister told me this morning that they came back. I wonder how many people left at the 7th inning stretch.

2) My friend from grad school who just finished in the top 20 at the WORLD Ironman Triathlon Championships in Hawaii. He is in med school and somehow has time to post a Boston Qualifying marathon time at the end of a 2.4 mile swim and 112 mile bike ride. I'm trying to channel his awesomeness for this weekend.

3) My 2nd period kids yesterday. We had about 7 teachers observing from another high school in the class and my kids worked in groups like you dream about. They were amazing.

4) My physical therapist, who makes me feel like I can do things with just a little massaging and some ice baths.

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