Wednesday, October 29, 2008


I voted today!  I wanted to wait until Election Day, but 1) I got too excited, 2) after telling so many battleground states to vote early and why, I was convinced, and 3) my office needs someone to be there from 6-9am on Tuesday morning when I was planning to vote (I'll use part of a personal day at school for that).  I took my sweet time voting this afternoon.  I really just wanted to savor the moment with the dozen other people who were at the county office with me.  It was phenomenal.

No wordle this Wed (or last)...I'm up too late and have no brain between my ears to speak of.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank goodness Adam and I got a ballot by mail - it took us 45 minutes to vote! Too many important props! Getting exciiiiiiiited!!!!

CONGRATS on doing your civic duty... so, the burning question everyone wants to know... WHO did YOU vote for??? :)