Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Why I Heart the Y

I took a four week hiatus from the YMCA (two weeks at home then the cleanse). I went back this week, very happily, and most every person I saw was saying things like, "It's great to see you again," "Welcome back," "We missed you," "We're happy to have you back." What a great place?

In other news, we have new spinning bikes! They are pretty. I'm not sure how I feel about them. You can't adjust the handlebars in or out (just up or down), but they look snazzy and the sound so nice when you spin. Everyone was pretty amped this morning, singing Michael Jackson and requesting longer rest times. You know, the usual.

1 comment:

jan said...

I have decided to comment on a bunch of your blog musings today. Just waiting to go to Panera and read the Sunday Times [I really view all reading material as only as good as their pictures. My newly rewired sound bite brain is happy with that]. My spinning class isn't as interactive. We pedal to dirges, I swear. And if they play great music I seriously don't want to spin, I want to get off the darn bike and dance around.