Sunday, November 30, 2008

How Time Flies

7am: wakey wakey!
8-1:30: Grading projects at Borrone's.  My rearend hurts.
1:30-2:15: Grocery shopping
2:15-2:45: Put away groceries, fold laundry
2:45-3:15: updated finances and paid some bills
3:00-7:00: recommendation letters
7:00-7:30: catch up on email
7:30pm: nighty, nighty...

A day in the Sunday of a teacher.

...wait, that makes no sense.

A Sunday in the life of a teacher.  No time for the NYT or thinking today...except when I was writing those amazing rec letters.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If only you could make up the project, watch the kids have fun with it, but not have to actually diligently read and grade it.
Ahhh, that's what it's like to be a college professor. What we need is a TA!