Tuesday, September 4, 2007

One Down

Sadly, I forgot my camera at home, but today was day #1. It was crazy and exciting and so great! I met so many kids today...there's no way that I'll remember all of them, but I'll know them all soon. My stomach isn't as nervous as it has been, but since the first day of math class is next Monday, I don't feel like I'm in the clear yet. I am amazed by how responsive students are here to the staff. It doesn't matter if you teach them or not, if you ask a kid to do something, they trust you. I am really appreciative of my colleagues for setting the norms for that. Today and tomorrow are just days to build community and help ease the transition, which is totally a valid thing to do in a small school like this. The kids here are so committed to this culture that it's awesome to watch them share advice with younger students and be really honest about what they need to do to be successful. I can't say enough good things.

Despite the fact that school starts an hour later here than I'm used to, I'm still getting up in the dark...but not to commute but to get some exercise. I'll keep that up as long as I can. But, it's almost 4pm and I'm fading...big time. Sleep hasn't been so easy lately. I feel like I'm just waiting for that time when my body decides that yes, I'm tired and it's going to get 'er done, but that hasn't happened yet. I'm still settling into this new world but absolutely enjoying it.

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