Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Something New...

These are things that have just dawned on me, like lightbulbs going off in my little head. I'll chalk it up to the idea that you learn something new every day.

1. I grew up in The Hundredth Town of Westborough, MA, so named because it was the 100th incorportated town in The Bay State. I grew up near Hundreds Road and it was just today that I realized that the street name was a shout out to our nickname, not just some random word. Cool!

2. You know the Adopt-A-Highway signs. While driving back from Ventura on Monday, I saw one in the middle of nowhere for such-and-such company and I thought in my head, "How often do those people really come out here to clean this stretch of highway? It can't be very often." (I was also thinking that if my employer adopted a highway, I would not really want to be asked to go stand along the highway picking up trash. Not a job perk.) And then, the lightbulb!'s not like adopting a pet, it's like adopting a child in Africa. The companies just pay some money, get their name on the sign, and other people (like the state workers or convicts, I guess) clean up the highway. took me 29 years to figure this stuff out? Did I really get into those schools I went to on my merit?



Bec said...

I've had a few "ah-has" in my day. I specifically remember riding shot gun in high school driving past a U-Haul. "OOOOooooooh! I get it! YOU Haul!"


Obviously, that was the butt of many jokes for a few weeks.

Bec said...

I've had a few "ah-has" in my day. I specifically remember riding shot gun in high school driving past a U-Haul. "OOOOooooooh! I get it! YOU Haul!"


Obviously, that was the butt of many jokes for a few weeks.

JPH said...

Oh man, I'm laughing out loud. Love these! MORE MORE!! xoxo