Sunday, July 5, 2009


Usually I'm all over stuff like this. You know, stuff from the Internet. Anyway, JPa sent this to me today and I'm hooked. This is NYC PS 22. And it's a great defense for music education in schools. The passion these kids show is amazing. Big props to their teacher, who is clearly tapping into something these kids love. Yay teachers!

See if you can spot the Nazli look alike (if you went to high school with me).

They have awesome stuff on their blog but while you're on YouTube, check the "Just Dance" video. They are totally just dancing in the background! The young girl, Tirzah, could be a star right now (she apparently won her school's American Idol competition in 4th grade...I'm pretty sure she's going to win a lot more). I love the slight lyrical changes to make it okay for school. And the I Heart Haters shirt on one of the kids. I hope that they stay as impassioned about music and as fun loving for as long as possible.

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