Where I teach, everyone can recite the mission
Where I teach, every student is given a voice
Where I teach, everyone lends a hand
Where I teach, we have made the road by walking
Where I teach, we convince struggling students to stay at our school
Where I teach, we write haikus about each other
Where I teach, faculty fun ends every meeting
Where I teach, most questions can be answered by the students
Where I teach, teachers get the biggest standing ovation at graduation
Where I teach, student don't just learn about respect, they see it everyday in their teachers and classmates
Where I teach, we decide by consensus
Where I teach, students can articulate their opinions
Where I teach, students are given a forum to articulate their opinions
Where I teach, we leave no Husky behind
Where I teach, students are given second chances
Where I teach, students appreciate the words revision and redemption
Where I teach, we have to force kids to leave the building on the last day of school
Where I teach, I am reminded that five (!) years of teaching doesn't mean I don't have more to learn
Where I teach, teachers plan and run the professional development
Where I teach, my students give me reading assignments
Where I teach, we give an annual award for Wit
Where I teach, character is just as important as academics
Where I teach, the hardest days are the days that convince you that this is the place you want to teach
I have just completed my fifth year of teaching. I am exhausted, but happy. I am so proud to be teaching where I teach. While living on the other side of the country has its challenges, I am so appreciative to be at this school, with these teachers, these students, and these parents. May you all send your kids to a school so great.
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