Monday, June 30, 2008

Olympic Fever!!!

I've got a big way. And currently, I have no idea how I will watch the Olympics. Without access to television channels (my roommate did bring a television with him when he moved in), I don't know what I will do. I think I could probably plug in the television and see something but it wouldn't be all access with the cable channels. I'm trying to determine how much of the Olympics will be shown online. Anyway, I'm loving the track and field and swimming trials right now.

All's well here. Sorry for not much news. I'm ready to come home. I mean, it's great and all, but how many more days I can...
-eat rice and beans
-put toilet paper in a trash can next to the toilet and not in the toilet
-feel like I'm reliving my college dorm days...except I'm the uncool RA who wants everyone to be quiet
-herd kids to buses and restaurants
-deal with the rash on my feet (hoping for heat rash)
-ride on a school bus
-ignore the nasty men who yell at me while I run
-have kids around me 24-7
-nod and smile when people speak Spanish to me
-have to walk from the shower to my room in my towel past boys I've taught in class
-go without dairy...they do have some weird fried cheese...I haven't touched it

That's the scoop.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

YOU CAN WATCH IT HERE, silly! I was loving the women's gymnastics trials. Swimming's totally rad too.

Man, the men yelling obscenities at me was what drove me to be ready to come home... but the rash, and eating the same thing might do the trick for me too.

Love you and waiting with bated breath until your return!