Tuesday, June 17, 2008

As A City Wakes

I got up at 5:30 this morning (more than 8 hours sleep...awesome!) and went for a run. Basically, I had to lock myself out, since I couldn´t leave the hostel open. I ran 5 miles on crazy cobblestones and with the only socks I have. I used my Nike SportBand to log the miles, which is handy. It´s neat to see people going to work and school. There were lots of horses and cows pulling goods around. I only got attention from the garbage men and trucks full of men going t work. Most people didn´t pay me any mind. When I got back, it seemed like no one was awake so I went for a walk to the center of town and saw all the kids going to school (before 7am). They are too cute. I really hope to go into a school because they look really pretty with courtyards and such. I love all the doorways here. I´ll take pictures, but I´m not sure how I´ll post them. Anyway, the doors are beautifully carved wood and just kind of regal looking.

Okay...enough computer time. More to come...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Me encanta momentos asi - los momentitos del viajador. Tienes los ojos mas vigilantes, y puedes observar las cosas pequenas, pero maravillosas de la vida. Estoy un poco celosa de ti :)