Monday, October 15, 2007

But Work Still Leaves Me Brain Dead

First, my kids are awesome. I can only hope to be the teacher that does them justice. I am amazed every day at how open they are to learning math (at least 80% of them). And you may recall that I am teaching four sections of Pre-Calc, which means I'm teaching the same thing four times a day. It's so much better than I anticipated. Each class has such a different feel that it doesn't feel repetitive and it's a good day when I don't have to change too much as I go along.

I had a tired Sunday of trying to get healthy and organized around the house and I just didn't feel like going to the store. So I went today after the field hockey game. This was one of those times when I felt like a moron. I wandered around for at least 30 minutes having no idea what I was doing there. I knew I needed milk (that's decisions..I've been buying my milk glass bottles and loving it) and maple syrup. I probably spent 10 minutes trying to decide which type of maple syrup I wanted. I know it when I taste it, but I can never remember if it's grade B or A light or A medium or A dark. And after some phone calls and leaving messages, I was no better off. Then it was 20 minutes of literally wandering the aisles looking for lunch inspiration. I have made soup for seven straight weekends before this, all very yummy concoctions, but that wasn't what I was going for this time, but I had no other ideas. It was painful. I was literally laughing out loud in the store at my total lack of brain power. I guess I should stick to shopping on Saturday morning when I'm at my peak.

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