Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Let's Talk About All The Good Things and The Bad Things

So, I'm preparing myself to teach sex ed. tomorrow. Never in a million years did I think I'd be in front of a class talking about sex. I can still remember throwing some sort of tantrum and literally feeling like my throat was going to close and I was going to vomit when my parents tried to talk to me about sex. Luckily, I was scared of boys until I was about 18, so no harm came from my aversion to the topic. So, here I am, trying to remember what the labia is (too much?) and other things I'm hoping Google doesn't keep track of. I'm not worried about the conversation itself...just worrying about having no clue what their slang is...oh and I hope that my kids don't feel like they are going to throw up during this. Should I play some Salt 'n' Pepa?

Random student quote: "I would never even dare text in your class. You see everything!" I love that my students think that I have bionic hearing and sight. I don't dare tell them that they aren't the smartest at hiding things.

Another random thought: I'm finally watching full replays on Buuuuutttt...the full replays have no announcers. So, I'm practicing my skills. I can't tell who the people are in a race, so I make up the names and have a grand ol' time in my room with this.

More: Curling is awesome. I wish I had experience with the sport to understand it a bit more, but I love watching it. The aerial views make me feel like I know what's going on, though.

My thoughts are with the Heintz fam. They are dealing with something fierce and I hear young FelJo is not pulling his weight around the house. What's up with 6-week-olds these days? Heads up and feet pointing forward, Heintz clan. Sending you love from the foggy west.


Bec said...

No worries if you don't know their slang - you're a teacher - you should use the real words. It shows respect for sex in my opinion. If you can't say it right or talk about it, you're not mature enough... right?

How did it go??

JPH said...

Rob's sister tore her Labrum (hip injury) and I keep telling people she tore her Labia. You should see the reaction I get.