Sunday, January 31, 2010

Waiting To Blow Up

The talk around school is that we might just be approaching our tipping point. Why is this? The film I told you about, "Waiting for Superman," just won an Audience Award at Sundance. It was also picked up for distribution by Paramount before the festival even started. I asked someone the other day how our school ended up in the movie (it features an 8th grader as she weighs her options for a high school and follows her through the lottery and decision process). It turns out that the filmmakers had a bunch of urban schools of note, but were looking for a different school to add to the mix. They went to the California Charter Schools Association and asked them what schools they should check out. I guess we were one of the schools suggested. So now, I think I'm working at a school that might just blow up (in the slang way) in the next few years. Bold statement, I know, but quite possible.

So now, as I ponder all of this I am trying to decide which coast I want to live on. And I think, "Is working at one of the top schools in the country the thing that should guide my life?" "If I worked at Google in the beginning years, would I have left to move back home?" I might be pushing that Silicon Valley analogy, but it's a useful thought experiment for me. Those Google people work crazy hours too (why else would they need 24-hour dining rooms and laundromats?). I need to think about this but I have only about 2 months to figure it out (and need to contact new schools soon if that's where I'm leaning). There is a tarot card reader right around the corner from my house. Maybe, if I get desperate, I'll have to stop on over there because I have no idea what I'm supposed to do.


Bec said...

Obviously I want you stay here - selfishly I could tell you "Yes YEs YEs work at one of the top schools in the country!" Which, BTW you already do.

However, as devil's advocate I say this: you work sooo much already and you never have time for yourself. This makes you frantic. What will having more students do to this workload?

samkay64 said...

Good luck in your decision, Duds. Just remember that whatever decision you end up making, it is not a life sentence. Eeeven if it may feel like it. You do what you gotta do, baby. Hang in there.

We love and support you!