Friday, March 13, 2009

Someone Had To Say It

You all know I love Jon Stewart.  If you've watched The Daily Show in the past week, you know that he did a whole montage showing how wrong CNBC has been (the network that's supposed to be giving financial advice to America).  The montage was a brilliant editing job by The Daily Show staff.  Then, Jim Cramer of "Mad Money" went on some shows and talked trash about Jon Stewart.  And then the talk shows were really talking.  Last night (Thursday), Jim Cramer went on the daily show, for the entire episode, and Stewart took him to task.  I will never cease to be amazed by the brilliance of the people working on The Daily Show.  Jon Stewart has really become a very good interviewer and always has his homework done (are you paying attention, students!?!?).  It's a great show (March 12), as was the show with Jeff Bezos...highly entertaining.  You can find them at

On another note, I got this email: 
Note: The California Franchise Tax Board has instituted a refund delay due to the state's budget situation, but will begin processing refunds as soon as funds allow.

I have two thoughts...1) Would I be able to say the same thing to California if I didn't have the money? 2) I guess I'll get my money when other people start paying their taxes, but do people have the money to pay their taxes?


Anonymous said...

What would happen if we all agreed to say, "Keep my tax return this year. Just keep it so people can keep their jobs, and so schools have enough money for supplies."

Anonymous said...

Just watched the Daily Show interview... WOW. Why do people like Jim Cramer even go on his show?! It's fun for me how much they underestimate him and then get totally burned.

I still feel awkward!