Sunday, March 29, 2009

20 Second Stories

Really, all I have time for these days are the 20 second story.  This is a technique that English teachers use..."tell the 20 second story of Chapter 1 to your partner."  I actually end up asking my kids for it too...they are so crazy curious!  If I let them, they will ask questions and tell me how they thought about solving the problem for 20 minutes of class.  And I don't think they are trying to waste time.  I'm going to give my version of the 20 second story on the last week.

#1 Rave at my school.  Totally organized by the kids (mostly my students), chaperoned by me and others.  It was AMAZING and fairly wholesome for a rave!  The words "Rave or Die" are currently spraypainted in the garage of my is some amazing artwork done by students (picture link below).  On Saturday, I didn't do my long run because I danced for about 3 hours straight and my abs hurt.  It seems like the only places I dance these days are at high school functions, which is definitely weird, but I'm pretty sure most people my age start dancing well past the time that I'm ready to be done.  I hate that.  Anyway, if any of you are worried about the future of our country, I'm pretty confident that these kids are going to make good adults.  And I think they will take on some future issue with the same intensity...I just hope it's something like education or saving the planet and not a rave for adults.
#2 Kids rule.  See above.  And, every student who won Student of the Month on Friday is just about the greatest kid ever.  I do have a ridiculously amazing job...I get to see kids struggle with making good choices all day long, but when they do...there is nothing better in this world than helping kids realize their greatness.  I think I'm going to tell my students that if it doesn't seem like I'm enjoying my job, they need to remind me that it's a great gig.  I also teach the kind of kids who have drawing throw-downs with each other. 

#3 T-Minus 5.  Weeks that is.  Until the marathon.  Today, I cranked out a fast 20 miles.  It was on a mostly flat course, so it was easy to just motor, but it's crazy that my body lets me do this.  In fact, as much as I tried to run my 8:45 pace, I was always under in pace.  I was shocked, but here's what was going for me.  One, I took a day to recover from the rave...I tried to run 20 on Saturday, but after one mile, I knew it was too hot and I was too tired.  Two, I got more sleep with a nap the day before.  Three, I ran early...when it's cool.  This place where I live is weird.  It's about 40 degrees from 4am - 8am and then by 11am, it's about 70.  Running early is key.  Those three steps were really the key to success this morning.

#4 March Playlist coming soon.  It's a mix of new stuff and some stuff that keeps ending up on my playlists time after time.  

#5 Plastic is the worst.  Check out these cool people.  They have already sailed on plastic to raise awareness.  Now they are going to hit the road on two wheels.  I think they'll be in my neck of the woods, so I'll let you know

#6 Halfway to saving for a new bike!  Thank goodness I took February off.  I need more time to figure out what kind of bike I'm going to get.  It will be a single speed/fixed gear flip flop hub, but I'll have to consult the experts to decide the make.

#7 My Sunday job is making it easier to obtain clothes that are both work and bike appropriate.  I've taken it down a few notches since my first year teaching, when I was in heels and skirts all the time, but Cali is a little more laid back.  Thank goodness.

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