Monday, December 3, 2007

I've Been Tagged

Boo. I adore Amy and her blog but I hate the feeling of obligation from tagging. Here are the rules:

The rules of tagging are as follows:

1. Link to the person that tagged you and post the rules on your blog.
2. Share 7 random and or weird things about yourself.
3. Tag 7 random people at the end of your post and include links to their blogs.
4. Let each person know that they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.

Seven random facts:

1. I had a dream the other night about proving sin^2 + cos^2 = 1 with my junior prom date.
2. I have never seen any of the Indiana Jones movies, Lord of the Ring movies, James Bond movies, or Titanic. Patagonia Boy is gasping.
3. I have a fear that my arches will fall.
4. I didn't like having anything around my neck (turtlenecks, necklaces, hands, etc) until I was about 17.
5. I have a strict rule that I will not wear running shoes for anything other than running. Period. And I always run in the road against traffic...even if you flash your lights, honk and yell at me...I'm not moving.
6. My alarm goes off every night at 8:30pm reminding me that I should already be in bed.
7. When my students come talk to me while I'm doing work on the computer, I like to freak them out by looking at them while I'm still typing.

The only reason I will continue this is to share some cool blogs with you. However, I'm not going to leave comments on these blogs letting them know they have been tagged. Spam is not kosher. But here are the top 7 blogs I read every day: Perez Hilton, Blah Blah Blah, The "Blog" of Unnecessary Quotations, Crummy Church Signs, Confessions of a Pioneer Woman, Ed and Marisa in Europe, and This is Framingham. Oh and let's throw in Good Magazine too.


Anonymous said...

1. Wait a tic - didn't you leave something out here? ;)

2. Whhhhat? GASP! I will gladly watch any of those movies with you. Name it... excet only if it's after February :)

3. Yo tambien - did you know that you can get bunyans on the OTHER side of your foot?! Newsflash: Danskos are not always so fabulous for your feet.

4. I think I'm the opposite. Cannot stand neck things now.

5. 8:30 - that's pretty early - "Don't you know it's still light outside?"

6. That IS freaky when you do that!



samkay64 said...

Aww, thanks girl! I've been wanting to tag you too, but I didn't know if it was tacky.

Also, its time for all of us to catch up on Indiana Jones. Ric Martinez will be in the fourth one. (The only scene I remember from any of those movies is when someone had to stick their hand into a wall of bugs.)