Sunday, April 4, 2010


A few things on the docket this week:

1. I want this owl sweater.  The pattern can be obtained here.  The skill to knit it…probably not currently in my wheelhouse/.


2. The oddest book title award goes to Crocheting Adventures with Hyperbolic Planes by Daina Taimina.  This isn’t so odd to me, as I cut out this article about the craze from the New York Times in 2008, in the midst of teaching hyperbolas.  Sounds like an awesome project for a Pre-Calc class someday.


3. SepiaTown is a mashup of Google Maps (almost always makes for a winner) and historical images in major cities around the world.  Of course, I love the Boston map, because I know the city quite well and there are so many preserved buildings.  The best part is to click on the then/now link to see side-by-side shots of then and today’s street view.  Love, love, love!


Paul Revere’s House


Kings Chapel


4. I won’t try to explain these photos, but taxidermy squirrels are reminiscent of this post, so I’m clearly a fan.  Kudos to Rick Nadeau of Rick’s Custom Squirrels, for doing something he is passionate about and that people will pay for.

Don’t mess.
Photo by Jennifer Silverberg for Riverfront Times.

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