Now onto flunking. The past few weeks have been draining as I try to keep on top of my school work while planning this class trip. While, I haven't yet posted my 2010 goals, I have some that I'm keeping an eye on. I have been running consistently for five weeks and bike commuting every day this semester. This week, I've been fitting in runs after school when I'm too exhausted to get up in the morning (or even hear my alarm). After the dance last night, I slept as long as I could, before getting out for 5 miles (longest run of 2010!).
After my five miler, I bolted to my blood donation appointment. This is how it went: First try at blood pressure: too low. How low? In the 80s? What!?!? I've never had blood pressure in the 80s. She tried again and I ended up with 96/66. Again, lower than usual (how this makes sense after the annoyances of the dance is beyond me). Then she took my temperature. It didn't even register on the tab, which means less than 96. Then, my pulse. Can you see where this is going? 58 bpm. When I take my heart rate in the morning, it's usually 58-62, but that's supine and first thing. After a run and hustle over to the clinic, how is it 58? Finally, the hemoglobin test. I failed.
Nurse Wendy assured me that women have a difficult time getting their hemoglobin back up after a blood donation for an 8-week turn around, and I should come back in two weeks. It seems like my body was giving me every possible sign that I shouldn't donate blood today. I have done well with every donation so far (I feel fine afterwards and can resume normal activity easily), so I expected for all to go smoothly today.
I think my low hemoglobin is the result of three changes in my life since my first two blood donations: 5 days a week of running, 5 days a week of riding at least 45 minutes on the bike, and being a sometimes vegan/sometimes pescatarian. Going forward, I need to take my vitamins and probably donate only every 10-12 weeks.
I just watched the bronze medal curling match. For some arbitrary reason, I was rooting for the Swedes over the Swiss (maybe it's blonde allegiance). Sweden lost the match in the last end and I just felt so sad for them. On to the gold medal match and hockey!
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