Now that I'm 29, I'm learning some things. Ahhh...the benefits of getting older and wiser.
2. One of my favorite sections in the NYT, Escapes (pronounced Es-cah-pays), is no longer a stand alone section. While I have seen this in past weeks, today, it became clear to me that this is likely permanent. Boooo!
3. My state is now paying people in IOUs. Cool. I hope my landlord, the electric company, my loan company, Verizon, etc. accept IOUs from me when the state can't give me a paycheck in September. Actually, the IOUs can't be given to schools, which is somewhat relieving, but there are so many things in the linked NYT article that are crazy. Here's one: “In the past, there haven’t been many opportunities for states to have to issue them,” Opportunities? When are the aliens coming to rescue us? I am so disappointed in the Governator. He is the furthest thing from a leader, blaming everyone (Dem lawmakers, unions, and special interest groups) and taking no personal responsibility.
4. Next year, when I turn 30, I request the presence of someone on my birthday. Really, anyone. Spending a birthday by myself, even though I find myself somewhat entertaining, is just not that much fun. I'm already starting my brainstorm for next year. Back up plan is already in place: I will be driving quickly to the nearest human I know. In the meantime, I think that the next time I hang out with one of my good friends, I'm going to pretend on that day that it's my birthday. It'll make for better memories.
5. Wool shirts are the best. You can wear them for days and days in a row and they don't smell. I guess I already knew this, but I'm reminded of it today. My life indicator: I will slowly but surely convert my entire wardrobe to wool.
6. The governors you want to resign...well, some of them resign and some of them haven't yet.
7. Trader Joe's has some nonfat frozen yogurt that tastes every bit as good as those boutique joints that keep cropping up.
Okay. Next year. Let's do a camping trip somewhere fun for our 30th birthdays!
#3 - they won't. I read an economic magazine article about it. Sa-weet.
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