It's here. 100+ SPF sunblock. Sunblock, despite Bec's hatred of its chemicals, is like my crack. I am a marketer's dream when it comes to ridiculous and irrationally higher SPF values. I was totally the black sheep on my field hockey team because of my obsession with always needing 50 SPF and didn't mind tan lines compared to AR and AE, who would lay out and go to the tanning salon a few times a week. I just bought my 90+ SPF last week, but I come to find out that 100+ SPF also exists. A dermatologist has referred to this as "an arms race." Yes indeed.

I couldn't be more pumped. From this picture, I couldn't actually tell you what "Leightweight" means, but I think I'll like it. And it comes in a 3 oz bottle...check-able at the airport!
Of course you're all thinking in your head, "They say you don't need anything about 30." Do you even need 100 SPF? Here's a quiz to help you understand what I know about SPF. Think about the first time you're in the sun for an extended period of time in the spring/summer season. How long does it take you to burn if you don't wear protection? (Have that number in your head.) Now, if you were to wear 30 SPF, it will now take 30 times as long for you to burn. If you wear 50 SPF, it will now take 50 times as long for you to burn. Get it? So, do you need 100 SPF? Probably not, because you probably won't be outside for that long (or it might not even be sunny for that long in one day). But, maybe you do need it. Whether I need it or not, I want it.
i might have to try some of this. i had the same sunblock but spf 55 and my face is still red. boo!
3 oz bottle, yes - but i want to know how much it costs... also, sorry to be so cynical, but is it really possible to be 100+? I'm going to do some reading.
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