On Friday, I dragged myself to Berkeley. I mean, I really wanted to go, but Friday was just one of those days where I was lucky to still be standing when the whistle bell slew. After not being able to run all week, I awoke on Friday feeling like I had slept in a gutter with someone with a cold. The low of the day was when I realized I had made one hundred packets for my students but with every other page copied...not all of them. I realized this while I was giving a test and my student teacher was in LA and after I passed out about 25 of the packets (on many different topics for the students' final projects). So, I had to send out an emergency email to the faculty to get someone to cover my class while I put copies in. I was feeling horrible about the waste of paper, but it had to be done. Then, as I was handing out the packets, I didn't have enough of the right packets for the kids. I sent out another desperate email...but this email went only to myself! That's the kind of day it was...I was sending emails to myself for help. I almost didn't go to Berkeley. But then I remembered that I would get to see a track meet with legit runners...and I had to get myself in the car. I knew it would make my day.
So, I sat in traffic for 90 minutes, but found a parking spot near the track without really trying and was off. I had two jackets, two blankets, crazy creek chair, camera, binoculars, hat, and gloves and of course, the cowbell. And, it was awesome. The Chico State guys were sitting behind me (there to watch former teammate Scott Bauhs), commenting in such as way that made it all worth it. They were so pumped to see Magdalena Lewy Boulet's husband and son. Then there was this exchange: Chico State Guy: Why aren't I doing guest commentary. Flotrack Guy: I've got Peter Gilmore as the guest commenator. When you run a 2:12 marathon, you can do it.
So, why was this meet so awesome? A killer college women's 5K dominated by a redshirt from UC Davis followed by Shannon Rowbury beasting out a 5K in 15:12 with flashy diamond earrings on. It was a small field of about 8 or 10 women, but she had no one even close.

There was steeplechase, one of my favorites. And Scott Bauhs ran a great 5k, even though he didn't win the race. I was obsessed with Desiree Davila during the 10K. She wasn't the winner, but she ran 77s the entire race...with the exception of about two laps and the last one that was a 71. I love her! And then, there was Sam Chalenga who ran a ridiculous 10K in 27:28, which is an American Collegiate Record (he took it from Galen Rupp) and Rupp ran 28:28 this weekend up in Eugene. Chalenga is looking fierce this season. He also looks about 12.

Other highlights: I was sitting behind Sara (Bei) Hall's parents. They were talking all about the Boston Marathon and Ryan's run (not to me, but one of Sara's college friends). Shannon Rowbury was about 10 feet away from me...I was going to congratulate her on her race but she started talking to a friend. And, it's always a good day when you're not the only one ringing a cowbell. Meet video are here. Flotrack is awesome!
The bike bell? On Saturday, I took the cruiser out for a joy ride during my lunch break. The place where I work won a bike by logging the most bike-to-work miles among all the stores in the country. My boss actually would bike 10 to 20 miles out of her way on the way to work to guarantee the win. Anyway, this is a crusier from the New Belgium Beer Company in Colorado (by the way, if anyone in Colorado, Georgia, Kansas, Oregon, Wisconsin, Arizona, or Texas wants to try to win the bike for me on New Belgium, I'd love it). The bike we have is so sweet! It's got wide handlebars, a cushy seat, and a bell. It's totally perfect for the sunny California Saturday. I biked to Borrone's, ringing the bell the whole way, and smiling, of course.
Cowbell occasion number two? Can you believe this was a two cowbell weekend? I drove down to Carmel today to catch the finish of the Big Sur marathon. I arrived at the finish line just after my friend Eddie C finished THIRD! He was bummed (as I) that I did not run alongside him, ringing the cowbell over his head, like I did when he ran Boston. After he got his massage, he was able to follow the sound of the bell to find me and then we saw his lovely wife finish the race. They both ran PRs on a very, very challenging course; one that they both said is harder than Boston. It was great to get to hang with them for a bit as they live in Flagstaff and I live in Cali. Ed is my former co-worker, co-coach, and carpool mate from my last year at FHS and if there's ever an opportunity to work with him again, I'll take that job.
The top four guys.
Notes: the runner on the left finished first and his dad was in the top three in his age group. The next runner was with Ed for most of the race, alternating breaking the wind. I guess he's a triathlete...you can tell by his clean shaven legs. And then there's Ed, sporting his Cortland gear! The final runner on the right was named Jesus, I think. Why didn't he win?
This was after two beers. Can you tell? Actually, that's how Ed usually is.
It was great to get to watch a marathon finish today. I got a little teary at times, watching people push through to the end and hoping that I'm crossing the finish line next weekend. I've popped the ibuprofen and taken an ice bath as well as had some throat coat tea. I'm pretty sure I'm getting sick. I think it's time for bed actually...
1 comment:
Wow! What a great day! How's you cold treating you? I was able to rally for a fun day on the American River and thankfully slept really well while camping!
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