Usually, my days consist of working and being in my house. It is rare that I have human contact outside of school (since the election ended). This weekend is the opposite of what most of my life is usually like. I am going from social event to social event. How did this happen?
Friday after work was this:
Mexquite Cantina with the co-workers. It's been awhile since we have had an "off-site meeting" (as we call it) and I was in need. What is it about a three-days week that reallly takes it out of you? Anyway, we have a little ritual that goes like this: no talking about students and if you mention a student's name you have to take a shot of tequila (mom, dad...sorry). As someone who is pretty much a teetotaller, I try to get through these "meetings" unscathed and focus myself to do so. Today, I was tricked into saying a student's name. Someone asked me where we were going after the "meeting" and so I said "so and so's house." Great! So, I'm going over to my mentee's house and will see many parents after taking one for the team. Just great... But it was nice to talk about real people things like "should we bailout The Big Three" and "should one say 'little' brother about a grown man?"
So, off to my mentee's house. His father is on the board and so they were having a gathering for the fundraising team and invited teachers along. It was a very nice shindig and I got to have fun conversations with parents...and we didn't talk about Summit athletics or how to intervene with kids to get them on the right track. How great! And I even found out that two parents with whom I work with on athletics are right on my running route. We're neighbors!
Then, I booked it to the movies. I saw "W." with my friend Elaine from the Obama office. I don't have much to say about the movie except: that actually happened?!?! One more thing...Brolin nails Bush.
Saturday is the big No on Prop 8 Rally. I am hoping that it's not an angry event.
Sunday is a math STEP reunion of sorts at my supervisor's house. I'm going to make mom's bourbon sweet potatoes!! So much for teetotatling this weekend.
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