I love marching bands. While I only lasted one year in my high school's, I have always been a huge fan. This, along with loving to watch running events...it's a shocker that I'm single, right? I was thinking today on my run that at least when I'm single I can do whatever I want. I get to go to bed when I want, wake up when I want, and watch any internet video I want. I'm pretty happy about those perks on this four-day weekend. Lots o' sleep and lots o' nerdy videos. Sure, it'd be nice to have someone to do stuff with, but would they watch marching bands with me?
Here is Southern in the Bayou Classic Battle. Mom thinks they win because they spelled out "Obama" and "Jan 20." No one really noticed the Jan 20, but when they spelled Obama, everyone went crazy. However, the costumes the dancers wear are the kind that are all skin-colored nylon on the back, so as to seem like they are bare-backed. I don't love that. The drum major is pretty great though and the MCHammer redux is awesome! Especially when half the band puts down their instruments to dance. Are you watching this yet?
Grambling is the competition as usual. Oh, their drum major did the same back bend. Bring it! I love the diamond stuff, which is totally mesmerizing me. I don't know what they spelled first (BCFX), but they have Obama in their act too. Just looked it up. Black College Football. Their dancers are wearing some pretty revealing vests and they are the center of attention for a while. Get back to the marching people!
Finding a female in these bands is kind of like finding a minority at the RNC. They are there, but it's really hard to tell because you can't see their faces all that well and the get-up pretty much covers up any indication of the female form. Sure does look fun though. I might have to watch "Drumline" now. Who wins in your book?
Shout out to "Camel" from FHS who ran at VanCortlandt Park today in the Northeast Foot Locker XC Regionals.
they look like little workers ants! So cool!
How many years did I try to get everyone to watch these guys. Finally, some respect. I wish they would march at the parade at the inaugural. And the Ohio State band as well and maybe the Stanford band. The Wisconsin band got in trouble this year so they can't come. You can always find the girls in the band in the flute and piccolo sections. Pretty much a given.
I vote #2. I'm a little late on this, but agree the diamonds are really cool and the dancers look sharp in the less riske vest. Man, I wish I could plan an instrument, had rhythm and could dance.
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