Holy mackeral! My house shook. It wasn't a bad one, as it didn't shake as much as I'd expect, and I didn't even feel inspired to get out of bed. The glass framed painting over my bed did not come crashing down on me. At first, it felt like when I used to babysit for people and the garage was under the house and the house shook a bit when the garage went up. But then it just kept going. Only about 10 seconds though. Crazytown!
According to
this website, it's a 5.6.
Wow! That was fast post - we totally felt it too for a good 5 seconds - couch was shaking and heard a rumble! Must've been mush stronger for you though since it was centered near San Jo. CA-RAZAY!
Holy Cow! I remember one of your first posts was about setting up your room with potential earthquakes in mind...that is just such a foreign concept to me. How crazy...
YO! I just watched a great KTVU program on the fault lines in Nor Cal... very interesting facts about the black sand on Ocean Beach is actually ash from the '06 quake, in the '89 quake, the highway overpass collapsed at exactly the line that devided fill from actually land mass - the MARINA!!! - and a bunch of "cool" facts(and when I say cool I mean scary, interesting, thank God I don't live along...) about the Hayward fault line.
Luck to us all!
I remember that '89 quake, Bec. My aunt's neighborhood was destroyed. Her house wasn't, though, which obviously sent her straight to church to thank a brotha.
Like Ali, I am psyched for you that your thingy didn't fall on your bed/head/bedhead.
I am glad you guys didn't get your crap ruined!
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