Sorry this is a dark picture, but here's a David taking his best shot at the Diego pinata. One of our teachers, who is named Diego, received this pinata for his birthday. I can't think of a better way to celebrate than to beat up a miniature version of him. Big Diego was the one who finally busted open little Diego. It was quite fun indeed and the bar is raised higher for Faculty Fun Time.
Has your school thought about getting a wii? I know it's a video game, but it's active. You actually have to make the motions of bowling, golf, tennis- so fun. I broke a sweat boxing the other day. REALLY REALLY fun, and it's even more fun to watch. People look so silly. Oh man, I'm talking tears down my face- laughing that hard! You have to try it- even if it isn't at school.
The pinata reminds me of Napoleon Dynamite. Good times.
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