This is a shot from the Copper Triangle Ride (at least that's what I've deduced). Today as I went over the Vail Pass (elevation 10,662), I saw hundreds and hundreds of cyclists on Saturday...for miles and miles. Thank goodness the Internet is so smart to tell me what's going on. This ride is not for the faint of heart---in 78 miles you climb over three passes and the Vail Pass is a climb of at least 2,000 feet in a few miles. Pretty sweet.
This part of the drive was probably the most beautiful. Once you get west of Denver and start climbing, there's no lack of beautiful scenery. Seeing all the cyclists in Vail makes me want to go back there with some time to get in the saddle. Glenwood Canyon was also quite lovely. There were lots of whitewater rafts full of people on the Colorado River. I think I'd be up for that at some point.
Hey Maura-
Marge's family lives near Glenwood canyon (actually, between Aspen and Mack). You should ask her about it!
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