My third exclamation point post of the day!
You missed it...the greatest garage sale I've ever been to. Dorian and Margorie purged a lot of stuff...much more to go, but it was a good start. Here are my two favorite items. 1. Sekular (from Ikea), valued at $7, despite being a Yankee Swap gift and I can't believe it was mass-produced. Dorian slashed the price to $1 and it still didn't go. So, if you want it... 2. A roll of 50 pennies, bought by an older man on his third visit (after exhausing all other options I guess). He bought it, saying something like, "This is a great deal, my brother will love it." He paid for it with nickels. I will never stop being amused by that. Unfortunately, Dorian believes that this man was not doing it for the humor.
The people you meet at garage sales are really a fun bunch for the most part. One older man asked me when I was moving back to Norway, having never discussed my lineage at all. He bought a big tent that I sold him on because "his little grandkids will love it. " He says he'll have to sneak it into the house, past his wife. Another guy walked in saying he didn't have room for stuff, but bought $33 worth of goods, including a kite, a set of plates, fleece pants, and a oil filter top remover. What I liked best was that Marge was given lots of books by her school librarian and the deal was a grocery bag full for $5. There were a few kids who walked away with many, many great books (including the Elizabeth Enright books I remember reading as a kid).
It was a good day. Not a lot of real work done for me, but the time outdoors was needed.
I cannot believe no one snagged the statue! We definitely should've raffled that off at Renormfest...keep it for next year...
What the hell is the deal with that Sekular? It looks like a CAD model. Perhaps the solar car team could use it for testing their new chassis.
You let the Elizabeth Enright books go live with another family! You should have bought them. There are books that I always want in my house even if I never read them again. "The Saturdays" is one. I have a short but cherished list of must haves. As for the Sekular[?], I misread Brandon's comment and thought the CAR needed a new chassis, which got me thinking that I need one too!
Had I been there I would have bought her. Then I would of read Brandon's comment and had to have sold her at my yard sale. Hmmm...
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