I did Januvegan, which I made up. I ate as vegan as possible for the month of January. It went pretty well. It was partly a result of reading "Eating Animals," but I always like to try new rules with food. I don't know why. I fared a bit better than my students, but it wasn't record-breaking.
I was fairly vegan - except an event at Stanford that I didn't plan for and was totally starving at and some other night. Since January, I have not been vegan, but I'm not eating chicken, beef, or other land animal meet. I have been eating fish, because I am programmed to get fish tacos on Tuesday. I need to stop that. If only it wasn't right on my way home. Right now, I guess I'm what they call a pescatarian. But, I do eat very little dairy. I no longer have milk in the house and my breakfasts consist of either vegan waffles or steel cut oats. I bring this up because I'm about to encounter Passover. Keeping Kosher for Passover can be a challenge, especially when you're traveling, like I will be this week. But, now without meat! I'm trying to think about what I'm going to eat - probably salads with no legumes and maybe I'll have to fully commit to fish. But, no brisket for me. Sadness.
When I first read "Eating Animals," I thought: how can you be Jewish and not eat eggs? I mean, Challah, Matzoh Ball Soup, Matzah Brei, Kugel. Now that it's about to Passover, I'm struggling even more. I mean, sure you can do vegan & Kosher, but you probably won't eat traditional Jewish foods. But that would be fun one day...a vegan passover. There are recipes vegan challah and matzoh balls. One day, I'll have my act together to give it a whirl. Just for the heck of it.
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