Tuesday, January 26, 2010


Yesterday, I listened to an old podcast about the cell phone world we live in and how no one has land lines any more. Of course, as a kid, I don't think we called them land lines because no one had anything else (my communication with submarines was very limited at that point in my life). The guests were talking about how answering behaviors are different with a house phone (usually shared) and a cell phone (usually not shared). It was quite interesting and made me want to have a rotary phone again.
The Google Nexus One smartphone has the following feature (maybe this is old news but this is the first I've heard of it). I do not have this feature on my phone. I just never pick it up. That also diverts the calls to voicemail.

Here's a funny montage of the "no cell service" plot line in horror movies since cell phones because ubiquitous.

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