I am not as on top of this as my friend AS always is, but here is a shot of my new do. Given that I don't have a husband to take pictures like she does, I am happy that my new computer has a webcam to do it for me. I don't have a before picture, but my hair was a lot longer and a lot lighter in color. Also, my chin didn't have a burn on it. Seeing this picture makes me think that I should have gone a touch shorter on the hair. The haircut is pretty drastic for me...I've had my hair about 6 inches longer than this for three years or so. I'm excited to go back to something short.

I was thinking today that not many people go their job and encounter 450 people who know them by name (and it's a mutual acquaintance) like I do. So, when I walk into school with a new haircut and a burn on my chin, I am asked about both by approximately 100 people. No lie. I have two different stories about the burn that I tell. I started by telling people the truth. That I was so cold in my house (since I don't turn on the heat) that I was trying to warm up with some tea and that I was holding it close to my face to warm from the steam and that I got too close and burned my chin on the water. That's what actually happened. But after having multiple people laugh hysterically in my face (with no signs of remorse for doing so), I started saying that I crashed my bike. People don't laugh in your face when you tell them that.
But the nice part about having a big work family is that there are many, many people to compliment you on your new haircut. The response is overwhelmingly positive, which makes me feel great. If you aren't around a teacher all the time, you might not know that we are at one of the low points of the year emotionally. It's tough trying to get to winter break...the kids are restless, they are tired, and they aren't scared of failing anymore (because they have settled into the year and the failures have possibly happened already). So, to walk into work and have tons of people tell you that you look great just makes things so much better and I've been pretty positive this week.
So, if you know a teacher, other than me, give them a compliment, send them a card, write them a poem, buy them a cookie...whatever you think might help. One of my friends sent me an award for the Hippest Teacher in CA, due to my fixed gear riding. I don't think I am really remotely close to hip, but it definitely made my day and got me through the next one.
I'm totally on a Wes Anderson kick. Have been watching Darjeeling Limited and Royal Tenenbaums lately and hope to see Mr. Fox again so I can analyze. One of my kiddos asked me which WA movie was my favorite and when doing so, I realized some commonalities that I'd like to investigate in other films so I can write about them. And another student and I are doing our Intersession book club and reading "Cat's Cradle." I'm so appreciative of my cool kids, even if they could stand to a bit work harder in school.
Me likey.
You're inspiring me to get my haircut. I feel like I should keep it long for Rob's sisters wedding, but then after that I think I might chop it...
Hair looks great!
My kids are still nuts. I am literally singing and dancing in class to keep their attention. I never raise my voice, but every once in while, I have to shout a sentence to snap 'em back into it. Ha ha. It's quite exhausting.
Interesting what you said about the kids not afraid of failing... I have these two kiddos who were working so hard to improve, but within the past two weeks, no homework, not paying attention, goofing off... it's making me frustrated and sad. Argh!
Go WA movies!
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