This will be a run down, but since I love post titles that multi-task, it also describes how I'm feeling these days (months?). But, I'm trying to keep my positivity ratio at 3:1. I think I am successful here.
1. Working about 70 hours a week and resenting that.
2. Haven't seen my best friend in weeks.
3. "Ran" 20 miles on Sunday...that is...I did well for about 14 miles and then had Deja Vu of my marathon for the last six. Good thing I had so many podcasts to listen to. I'm feeling okay about this hiccup in the running plan. 20 miles is a long way and I have two months to get ready for Sacto. I need to figure out my fueling plan. The Clif Bloks don't seem to be working with my stomach.
4. Killed a 9 mile threshold workout this morning and felt great! Thank goodness for that.
5. I love the fall! It was overcast all day and I had the day teacher friend came over and we worked until the cows came home. I followed Bec's 45 minutes on - 15 minutes off strategy and it was successful. I work so well when it's overcast, although I'm not the best people person.
6. Reading the LeBron James memoir and I can't wait to pass it along to some students.
7. Booked my Veteran's Day weekend flight to NYC for some time with Chapin girls, Jews, and Blue Jays.
8. Things I would have rather been doing this weekend instead of just trying to get my life back to normal: Been in Boston for the Tufts 10K, been in Chicago for the marathon, been in Tahoe for a hike, or been in Hawai'i because I think that's what I could use right now.
5770 is kicking me in the rear end. What gives?
Miss you all! I'll be back soon.
Shout outs to: Mr. Lee for a new baby, Hess Express and Lopez for helping me Save The Date. And to Jim and Pam for tying the fictional knot. One of the best Office scenes ever. Hopefully this clip will make you smile just a bit.
Thinking of you! the Cliff Bloks are what did Eric in at his Boston Marathon--stay away! You've accomplished so much and I am always impressed by your multi-tasking. I do hope you can take some time for yourself to just veg at some point. Miss you--and hope I can track you down on the phone sometime.
you are amazing! i am not a fan of things that you have to chew while running - i am assuming you don't like the regular gu/clif shots, etc?
I totally cried through the ending of The sweet! I loved every minute of the wedding episode! I may have to continue watching it daily while it is still viewable on!!
" GET OUT!" is what I said when Dwight turned on the music - how silly! Thanks for posting that b/c I totally missed it.
Yeah for your 45 min. on and 15 off! It has really helped me to stay focused and sane when I have lots to do.
I MISS YOU !!!!!
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