Monday, August 31, 2009

Songs For Dog Days

Here's the August playlist. I'm just going to sneak it in here before September is too far underway. There are a few songs from the movie Adam, some from "(500) Days of Summer," a song from "Once" because the Swell Sessions are coming out with a new album, and a pair from Rhode Island's Deer Tick (you might remember "These Old Shoes" from February).

I'm burning the candle at both ends and just trying to keep on top of the necessaries. Back to long-distance training and making sure my act is together for the classroom. This year is just swell so far. I'll report more shortly, but for now, our school's camping trip looms and I'll be going straight from it to a red eye for a fabulous wedding in NH. No rest for the weary.


Bec said...

Have fun! Make sure you're getting sleep!

The first two days of school have been going really nicely for me - I'm trying not to get too excited yet, but it seems my class's innate intelligence is social (they are being sooo amazing with one another - and me!) which will make low reading levels much easier to tackle!!!

So glad your year is off to a terrific start!

Bec said...

P.S. Viva la Vida makes me sooo happy about life. I turn it up really loudly on the way home work. Plus, My nephew, Isaac knows all the words and we bonded over the song over the summer. Did I mention he's 4?