Me: Hey legs. I know you ladies are tuckered out from all the running and biking, driving a stick shift, and teaching all day. But, we're almost there...and then you can have a big long break (of about 2 weeks).
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Pep Talk
Me: Hey legs. I know you ladies are tuckered out from all the running and biking, driving a stick shift, and teaching all day. But, we're almost there...and then you can have a big long break (of about 2 weeks).
Hybrid of a Different Color
This rowbike has got to be one of the stranger things I've seen. While it's combining two of my favorite activities, it just looks bizarre. Picture blatantly stolen from Check out the blog for a full report.

Sweet Deals
April Tunes
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Can Someone Explain The Economy To Me?
If You're Sick...
Catch Up!
Monday, April 27, 2009
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Two Cowbells and a Bike Bell

If You Do, Wear a Helmet
Saturday, April 25, 2009
It Could Always Be Worse
Iowa or Bust!
Wednesday, April 22, 2009

I get an email every day from "Very Short List" with one thing that is cool out in the world. It could be a show, a website, a book, music, a video...whatever. Today, I got an email about a website called The 50 States Project. Here's the deal: 50 states, 1 photographer in each state, 6 assignments throughout the year. On March 1, the photographers turned in their photos for the assignment called "People." On May 1, they will turn in the photographs for the "Habitat" assignment. There are so many amazing pictures in the People gallery. The one I've included made me laugh out loud. It's worth checking out the series.
Monday, April 20, 2009
Just My Luck
Sunday, April 19, 2009
My Work Here Is (Almost) Done
And while Kara and Shalane and Sell and Hall and Joanie and DRitz and Rupp and Shorter and Salazar and all the rest (Lance too, of course) inspire me all the time, I am perhaps more inspired by my marathoning friends and family. My parents, ADH & EH, AS, EH & EC & JC & ML & MF (yeah Flyers), CKB, JP & KS (and all the other blue jays). I'm sure I'm forgetting some, but I probably wouldn't be on the verge of 26.2 without them.
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Lucky Numbers
Monday, April 13, 2009
Monday The 13th
This Is Just To Say
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Charles River Dreamin'
Beach Games
My Downhill Is Uphills
Monday, April 6, 2009
Change Comin' On
BF: But the new album is all about love--love found, love lost, love remembered, love denied.
BD: Inspiration is hard to come by. You have to take it where you find it.
If you're hurtin' for some Bob Dylan, go to his website where you can hear a clip from any song on any album). Pretty sweet. That makes me wish I had a job where I sat at my desk in the office, so I could have this soundtrack playing all the time. I know there are a great many people who cannot listen to Bob Dylan...complaints about his voice are the most frequent. I like someone who can belt it just like the next person, but if I need to commiserate with someone who I think has really seen it all, I go to The Master.
Friday, April 3, 2009
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Blown Away
Check to see if there is a pillow fight in your area at, or make one of your own!
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Dear Students:
As a result of so many Huskies not completing their mandatory 100 hours of physical activity, the Board has decided to institute required Gym Class to replace IL [study hall]. In true
Ms. D, Athletic Director
______ Indoor (dry land) Swimming
______ Medicine Ball Drills
______ Wrestling (Thumb and other)
______ Structural Beam Obstacle Courses
_______ Ballroom Dancing
_______ Marching Skills
_______ Step Aerobics
_______ Step Aerobics en Espanol
_______ Magic Card Shuffling and Dealing
_______ “Dumpster” Diving
_______ Ninja Training
_______ Indoor Croquet
_______ Write-In: