Wednesday, January 7, 2009

9 For '09

I should read more books than blogs, but while I'm reading, I think I'll share this post from Patagonia.  I need to work on my compost pile (I use it but it's not creating anything worth using) and finding my newest cause, but this list makes me feel like I'm moving in the right direction.

9 for 9 - Nine Green Resolutions for 2009

Patagonia employees are encouraged to reduce their environmental impact with tips from a group of co-workers who call themselves the Green Team. For 2009, the Team shared a list of nine green resolutions anyone can keep. They're good reminders and very easy to share with friends and relatives who might need some encouragement.

Nine Green Resolutions for 2009

  1. Resolve to stop using those plastic bags at the grocery store – leave your canvas bags in the car
  2. Stop drinking water in plastic bottles – drink filtered tap water, it tastes great!
  3. Review your home, one room a month, and detox – remove chemicals, pesticides, fertilizers and dispose of them safely
  4. Pledge to have your recycle bin always be fuller than your regular waste bin
  5. Just one more: One more day a week of commuting by bike or by carpool – you get the idea. Draw up written contracts with family members to each pledge to use alternative transportation a minimum of once a week
  6. Start a compost pile
  7. Grow your own – if you don't have room for a veggie garden, frequent the farmer's market once a week
  8. Volunteer your services to a non-profit group you are passionate about
  9. Follow your passions this year – find your cause

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