Today I called 100 registered Democrats in New Mexico. I probably only spoke with about 20 or so, most fervently supporting Obama, about three supporting McCain, three who were pissed that I called, and one undecided. I encouraged them to vote early (which NM does) and volunteer if they had the time.. Some were already all over it. The point of this for the Obama camp is to identify the undecided and the people who might be willing to talk to them. Getting so many answering machines was a bit of a bummer, but it was great to get so much positive feedback from the supporters.
On my way out, one of the phone-bank leaders asked if I'd be willing to come back to train others to call. I guess I did a pretty good job today. So, I've upped my commitment. I figure that there are a lot of people who don't feel comfortable doing some campaigning or don't think they have time. I guess I should do as much as I can in place of those who can't.
Shout out to Schlotty for another Boston Qualifying time! Maybe she'll come pace me in Eugene...
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