Thursday, June 19, 2008

Best Day EVER!!!

You can probably guess that I got my luggage today. I was driven to Managua and there it was! Yay! All is there except my sunglasses, but maybe I just left those in Cali. I cannot say how amazing it is to be in clean underwear. Also, Patagonia traveling clothes are the greatest for someone who sweats as much as I do. On the upside of the sweating, my students say my skin looks clearer. Bonus!

So that was basically my day. I´m signing off so I can get back to my book. Thanks for all the comments.


Ali said...

clean undies rock. I cannot wait to see pictures! (Not of your underwear.) I am glad you are properly clothed, now, and am impressed with your half training. Keep the updates!

Anonymous said...

Yeah best day ever - woo!

Yo, summer vacation rocks, man. This whole week has been totally busy, but fabulous - I'm writing you postcards about it and you HAVE to read them in order when you get back. Anyway, today, I took Caltrain to San Mateo and had a minor mess happen which resulted in me missing the demo lesson I was supposed to see for a postential fifth grade teacher. How mortifying... anyway, made it for the interview and I liked her a lot. Spent the afternoon with Norm. The weather here is stunning. Scuba school this weekend! BT-Dubbs, am I allowed to write about ME when commenting?! I figure with a possible slow internet connection, you're gonna want your communication in one place... LOVE YOU!

Amy said...

i saw an ad in the newest runners world and thought of you. it was a shoe ad with a girl running and the caption read:

"sweatiness is next to godliness"
if you email me your address, i will mail it to you.

glad you got your luggage back.