Bec and I stopped to smell all there was to smell at the Berkeley Rose Garden. It is spectacular there! We met a cute bookstore before heading up to the olfactory wonderland. They have a pergola there with climbing roses all over it--can I have one of those when I grow up? Anyway, whenever you want me to take you to see these, let me know. I've only been there around this time of year, so I don't know the window, but plan for a May visit to see them. It was nice to have this beautiful garden to remind me of my mom...can't wait to see what she's done with hers!
From there, we dined at Pizzaiolo, a place recommended to me by the Baggs. If you are ever in search of a great restaurant, just ask the Baggs...they never disappoint in their recommendations. We waited for about 20 minutes or so. I enjoyed a big bottle of sparkling water while we sat outside on some benches. It was a beautiful night, so the wait was painless. Once inside, we were served some amazing bread...so nice and yeasty (not KforP as Rebecca noted--kosher for passover...I'm hoping KforP catches on in the texting shortcut world). We ordered the avocado and pickled beet salad with ginger, cilantro, and marash pepper. I could have stopped there and been absolutely satisfied. Maybe only CKB knows about my absolute love for beets (since he has a similar love), but now you all know...I love beets! This salad had the most ripe avocados, purple and golden beets that were just perfect and the pepper was so yummy; just the right amount of spice. Our pizza came--nettles with pecorino. The crust was a bit burnt in places but it was still so yummy. Again, let me know when I can take you to this place.
Our final stop of the night was to the Chabot Space and Science Center. On Friday and Saturday nights, the open their telescopes to the public for free (weather permitting). It was hard for me to believe that we were still in Oakland after winding our way for miles and miles up into the hills. The night was perfect...no clouds and the fog held off until we were done. Apparently, yesterday was International Astronomy Day (I have not confirmed this), which means that amateur astronomers come out with their telescopes and set up in neighborhoods, parks, etc and let people enjoy the sites. We got to see Saturn and some of its moon through a 93 year old telescope named Rachel. It hardly seemed real it was so like you think Saturn would look. A little ball with rings around it. Bec kept claiming that it looked like a sticker. It really did. Then, we chatted with some amateur guys who built their own telescopes and taught us a lot. It's so cool to talk with people who are passionate about sharing something they love...usually people tend to be good teachers in those cases.
Overall, a quality Bay Area day. I'm hoping that my mom does not comment on the quality of my hair in the picture. My PT taped my calves up to see if some relief could be provided for them while I run. I didn't want to risk losing the adhesion of the tape prior to my Sunday run, so I went sans shower for Saturday. Needless to say, I was not asked on any dates (shocking, I know). Although I did get some attention (negative) for my Red Sox shirt while at dinner.
1. Beets are fantastic.
2. Bec has the best word-shortening ideas.
3. Those roses look great.
4. I would have asked you on a date. Totally.
5. I agree with samkay! Well, not on the beets line item. Can't say I have ever had them, but you could easily lure me in with avacado.
What fun! Continued luck with running. It sounds like the conditions are ideal in Cali for some outdoor activity. Miss you girls...
6. KforP was actually Maura's term. I can read.
On a word-creating side note, a friend and I have come up with the name Bralisha to encompass the shared characteristics of three people individually going by the names Brendan, Alissa and Trisha.
Maura not only introduced me to KforP, but I am eternally grateful for having picked up TCP... you figure it out. Okay, I'll give a clue, it has to do with being of the tribe :)
Dude - this day rocked! Ken Slater gave me a webpage to tell us when to go back and view Jupiter!though, he says we can view both Jupiter and Saturn simply with binos and see rings, moons, and gass layers. COOL!
Binos and gass layers. That's all I have to say.
You wanna go? (Meaning, you got a problem, chica? let's take this outside!) Ha ha!
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