Sunday, January 20, 2008

365 Days!

I've had this sticker for about three years and the date has always seemed so far away. Some of you may be feeling that it's still very far away, but I'm feeling optimistic today. I get to vote in two weeks and I couldn't be more excited about it.

By the way, I learned about this sticker while driving on Huron Street in Cambridge. It was a cold winter night in 2006 and all I could read on the bumper of the car in front of me was 01.20.09 but the words were too small for my eyes. I was driving, so I couldn't write it in my Moleskine, therefore my strategy was to keep saying the date out loud for the ten minutes until I got to my computer. I went straight to Google and found the first political bumper sticker I've ever purchased and put on my car! Actually, I bought the magnet so I don't turn into one of those people with a Dukakis '88 sticker on their Volvo for 20 years.

Think Blue!


Anonymous said...

YAY! Adam gifted me the actually countdown timer keychain in my X-mas stocking this past year. We noticed it said 365 yesterday! I Also remembered how yesterday, two walkers walked by my car, and immediately came rushing back to llok at my bumper sticker. "Hey, that exactly next year!" the woman said! Glad to be spreading good cheer all around the Bay!

Anonymous said...

I never embraced this bumper sticker, hoping for an impeachment that would greatly accelerate W's departure. I guess now that we're within a year, chances of that are quickly dwindling :-(.