Today was a great day. Bucket list worthy.
At 4:25, K, N and I got on the train, heading north to the city. We were going to a baseball game.

N had been on a boat with his students, so he was not feeling well at all. Here he is, post whale watch. Not adding value.

When we got to the park, for the National League Championship Series Game 4, Giants v. Phillies. You might think that with a 2-0 lead by the Giants, N might have perked up. You would be wrong.
This is the last of me happy for a while because this was taken before: 1) the Phillies fan in front of me got in the beer line got in a literal fist fight with a Giants fan over nothing and I almost got hit with a punch as I tried to break it up and 2) a guy was in the women's room to announce that the Giants scored a run and to use a stall. It was tough for a few innings while I tried to recover.

Definitely not perked up.

Given that the K, N, and I are 3/4 of the GTL gang (we all watch Jersey Shore together on Fridays), we loved this part of the game!

Hey! There's a smile. Good to have you, N! This was right before a single in the bottom of the 9th lead to a Giants win. It was pretty great. I kept score if anyone wants a recap. Hoping for good news tomorrow night.