Of course, as soon as I decide to move, I think I’m realizing what a Cali girl I really am. I haven’t blogged about my move back East because I don’t know how to handle it and I’m not feeling settled. Sigh…
But today was not about anything remotely unsettling. Today was just the greatest day ever.
I woke up this morning to learn that my colleague agreed to facilitate in my place and I fired off an email saying, “Gotta get my cowbell on. See you at 1pm.” Or something like that. Often at my school, when we send emails about our absence we write things like, “Let me know if you have have any concerns,” just to be courteous. I did not include that on my email today. I wanted to write, “Let me know if you want me to pick you up on my way south,” but that’s probably not professional.
I left the house at 7am to beat the traffic on THE 101. And I did. I got up to the hills nice and early where I proceeded to drive around trying to get an internet connection so I could download the race map and log (times) that I forgot to download before I left home.

Here’s just one of the many views I got this morning. This is on Calaveras Road in Milpitas. I almost took yesterday off to watch The Tour of California go through my backyard (like I did in Feb 2009). I’m glad I had too much work to do yesterday because it was overcast and dreary. And I’ve been there before. This was something new.

I mean, look at this. See how you can see San Jose down there? What an amazingly clear day. I parked my car down the hill (behind me in this shot) and rode my bike up to the King of the Mountain summit.

The cows! The cows! I could watch these guys all day. They were making a lot of noise today. They must have known something was up.

The riders were going to come across this ridge from San Jose. How green! That’s from all the rain we’ve been having. The landscape here just blows my mind.

I love the grass waving in the wind.

Here’s the Schwinn that I’ve had for 10 years. I love this bike. I’ve debated getting a nice road bike, but I don’t know that I need one. This bike is just so cute and useful.

I arrived at the KOM where there was a ton going on. A ride had been organized to this summit and the riders were in the hundreds. The energy and buzz were palpable.

Pretty nice view, eh? And is there any picture you’ve seen that’s more American than this one?
I walked down from the KOM point to a part of the hill that was a bit more steep and had a better view looking down.

Note: There are more hundreds of people. And everyone was on a bike. Really…this might be my little heaven. Although I heard a lot of weird conversations, like one with the word “bikesexual.” Really? Really?

See the black dot on the distant mountains? That’s the helicopter that let us know to get ready. I had my cowbell in my left hand, my binocs around my neck, and my camera in my right hand. I was ready.

Love guys like this. It’s almost like France.

The five men in the breakaway. They were working! I would too if there was a car tailing me.

And here they come. They are fierce! Click on the picture above to see the flip book pictures of the peleton churning up the hill. Scroll through them fast.

Teams Garmin and Radio Shack lead the charge up the hill. Lance was buried in the pack here, but I was ringing my cowbell extra hard for him. But then again, I ring my cowbell hard no matter what.

And then the parade of team cars. The opposite of a funeral procession. These cars drive with pep.
This was probably one of the best ways to play hooky from school that I can think of. And this is just the kind of day that I think you only have in Cali.
I went to school, talked about how to help some students graduate, and then held my revision session. It was awesome. I have about 11 kids who still need to show mastery of some key statistical concepts and they are off to a fantastic start after this afternoon. Have I told you that I love my students? And I love teaching? It’s really a great gig.
I got on 101 South for the second time and was back in San Jose for some grub with the Patag crowd.

Dia de Pesca. So worth the drive. And probably the coolest place I’ve been lately. I wish this was right down the street from me. Authentic fish tacos and juices that change daily. I had Cucumber Lemonade (so, so, so yummy), a breaded halibut taco, a grilled salmon taco, and a chile & cheese tamale. I shared with my friends, but was happy with my sample. The halibut taco was my favorite and the best fish taco I’ve had. JF was commenting that everyone around here is always talking about fish tacos. I realized that no one talks about them in Boston…do they even exist there?

Here’s the cute place, owned by Javier. I’m going to have to find excuses to come back. It’s this funny combination of structures with a patio in the middle…with cool tiled tables and benches.

Some of the gang enjoying the food, decked out in the best apparel around.
Ahhh…this is the life. Curling tomorrow with GL and NK! LTD.